Adaptogen Science IntraAmino Pink Lemonade 30 svg

Rs. 40.58



Intra Amino is an innovative scientifically designed nutritional supplement that supports lean muscle development aids in body fat reduction assists endurance and speeds recovery. Unlike many amino acids formulas Intra Amino is precisely loaded in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Lysine L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate Alanine Glycine and is balanced with a unique vitamin B-complex blend. Best of all Intra Amino tastes phenomenal!!!


Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) isoleucine leucine and valine are a group of three essential amino acids (meaning the body cannot produce it from any other foods so it MUST be consumed through nutritional consumption) that are different from the other 17 amino acids in that they are primarily metabolized in skeletal muscle and metabolized at a much lower rate in the liver. Exercise promotes increased BCAA oxidation. This increased breakdown of BCAA helps maintain energy levels and serve as a fuel for skeletal muscle (especially during exercise and performance). Various clinical studies have evaluated and concluded the effectiveness of branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation for preventing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and muscle damage induced by eccentric exercise. BCAA are vital for all athletes and exercise enthusiasts looking to recover build lean muscle mass and support overall total wellness.


Metabolically BCAAs act as substrates for energy production and muscle development through insulin secretion/activation of the PI3K pathway and stimulating protein synthesis through mTOR (mammalian Target of Rapamyacin) activation. It is well documented that supplementing with additional BCAA (pre intra and post workouts) may significantly improve sports performance increase lean muscle gains and assist recovery and weight management.

These actions make BCAAs critical during training to assist optimal muscle strength power and most important…RECOVERY!!!


L-Lysine is an essential amino acid and is required so the body functions properly and effectively. Lysine is found in abundance in skeletal muscle. It plays an important role in the building and maintenance of skeletal muscle tissue. Low levels of lysine have been linked to reduced muscle development and breakdown. Recent findings suggest that L-Lysine supplementation may assist lean muscle protection (anti-catabolic effects). Lysine helps to rebuild muscle tissue aiding in the recovery process after a workout.


L-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid and plays a crucial role as a building block of important proteins. Mostly synthesized by the muscle cells from lactic acid it is considered the most important nutrient for protein metabolism and is very vital in the production of glucose and blood sugar management. Supplementation has been show to support healthy blood sugar levels and insulin balance. It also well documented that proper insulin balance and glucose control dramatically assists weight management body fay loss and lean muscle gains.


Poor nutrition along with high carbohydrate/low protein diet as well as stress (daily rigors of life trauma and even exercise) all can cause an insufficiency of L-alanine in the body for optimal performance and body composition. Muscle endurance and strength may also be negatively affected leading to potential muscle atrophy (shrinkage) fatigue or reduced recovery. When dosed appropriately however L-alanine can be an effective nutrient supporting an intensive training regime and achieve effective muscle growth physical fitness and overall performance. Other well noted benefits of L-Alanine are the significant support of immune health prostate health and cardiovascular health.  


L-Glycine is a non-essential amino acid and is involved in a variety of biochemical reactions. Glycine is important for the construction of healthy DNA and RNA strands which are the genetic building blocks that are necessary for the proper function of your bodys cells. It is one of the three amino acids that form creatine in the body.  Creatine is well known to assist muscle growth blood sugar balance and energy production during exercise. Glycine itself elicits glucogenic properties meaning it can help your body balance blood sugar levels and provide glucose to various body tissues for energy. Glycine is also the primary component of collagen the non-contractile connective tissue that makes up most of your skin tendons and ligaments. A recent clinical trial suggested that glycine is responsible for maintaining digestive health by balancing the acid:base ratio in the digestive tract. In addition to its many benefits glycine is very critical in supporting health brain activity over all feeling of well-being and aiding sleep behaviors.

L-carnitine L-tartrate (LCLT) supplementation beneficially affects markers of postexercise metabolic stress and muscle damage. A very recent clinical trial indicated that L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate (LCLT) supported healthy postexercise serum hypoxanthine serum xanthine oxidase serum myoglobin and perceived muscle soreness. It was concluded that use of LCLT appears to attenuate metabolic stress and the chain of events (reduced oxygen) leading to muscle damage afterexercise.
L-Carnitine has also shown in clinical investigations to be a potent nutrient to aid in body fat reduction. By raising the level of muscle carnitine the body increases its ability to utilize fats as energy therefore sparing muscle glycogen clearing muscle lactate and supporting healthy hormone balance. Recently researchers tested the hormonal response to taking carnitine tartrate. In one of these studies supplementing with carnitine supported healthy androgen receptor activity indicating a better anabolic environment which allows for optimal cellular balance of testosterone and increased protein metabolism. Enhanced protein synthesis allows tissue that was damaged during training to regenerate faster and speed recovery. The second study found that after intense resistance training the carnitine group had reduced muscle tissue damage (assessed by MRI) and increased IGFBP-3 levels (a binding protein that promotes tissue synthesis). In a Journal of Physiology study results indicated that higher muscle carnitine levels increase work capacity by reducing lactate accumulation in the muscles. Less lactate means less burn which can lead to more intense training and greater performance gains.


Rounding out IntraAmino is a precise blend of vital B-Vitamins (B12 B6 B3 and B5) all important cofactors for energy fat and muscle metabolism. IntraAmino is the ULTIMATE BCAA product for assisting muscle mass gains body fat reduction motivation recovery and overall well-being. 


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Nutritional Facts



Malic Acid Natural & Artificial Flavors Silicon Dioxide Sucralose Red Beet Powder Soy Lecithin

Allergen Info & Warnings

Contains Soy